A Special Educators’ Bag of Tricks

One of the first things any child receiving special services will learn to say, whether by signing or speaking, is “open bag.”  Special service providers (occupational, speech, feeding, and physical therapists, as well as special educators), come to work in homes and schools with a literal bag of tricks.  We bring novel materials to excite children and well-loved materials to encourage mastery and build self-esteem.  Whether old or new, the items must help us encourage a child to work on developmental tasks that are challenging for them.  As a teacher working with both typically developing children and those with special needs, as well as with parents, I find my materials cross all lines.  With that in mind, I thought I’d start posting some of my favorite materials that support ALL children’s development.  You’ll find it under the blog heading, “Special Needs” Products for Everyone.  Keep an eye out!