Bell Family Company & Dana’s Kids Present:Effective Strategies for Ensuring Both You and Your Child Have Downtime During Quarantine
Setting Limits

Limits and boundaries. We need them and our children need them, but how do you implement them effectively? How do you decide if, when, and how to use “take a break” or time out for toddlers, preschoolers and other young children? How do you limit screen time for kids? And how can you set up house rules for kids that they’ll actually follow? Look no further for thoughts and strategies to help you with these, and other questions.
Helpful & Hopeful: An Interview with Jodi Greebel, MS, RDN of Citrition
Jodi Greebel, MS, RDN, Founder, Citrition, Pediatric Registered Dietitian Jodi talks about how to manage endless snacking and other feeding questions for kids.
Get Comfortable With Your Child Being Uncomfortable.
Get comfortable with your child being uncomfortable. Possibly one of my favorite parenting phrases. Discipline and limit setting are hard. Your child crying in response to your discipline can make it even harder. During a recent workshop many parents voiced concern about this. “What happens if my child cries when I set a limit?” A Read More
Drop the “Okay?!”
“Okay,” let’s talk for a minute about the power of language and tone with young children. Parents of toddlers know that a well-placed, excited “ooh” or “ahh” can redirect their child’s attention away from the cleaning of a hurt boo boo (although, first you should reflect and acknowledge your child’s emotions and pain). Those words and the Read More
Children On Leashes
Today I walked down a New York City street and noticed three young children on leashes. Sure, two were dressed up as cute little monkey backpacks with tails for the parents to hold on to, but still….they’re leashes. After years working with toddlers, 2s and 3s, I get it. They can have selective listening, can Read More
Quitting: When Is It Okay?
Young children begin taking formal “lessons” in activities for a number of reasons: Mom or Dad thinks it’s a great idea, the child has expressed interest, friends are participating, they liked the leotard or karate outfit, etc. Most of the time these activties are wonderful and children thoroughly enjoy them. But what happens if your Read More
My Toddler Won’t Get In The Stroller!
Ah, toddlerhood! You can see the pleasure on your child’s face as they relish in their new found capabilities. But this time can also bring challenges. I hear it all the time…my squirmy toddler won’t get into the stroller! My advice? Grown-ups need to have a bag of tricks. Early walkers and toddlers hoping for Read More
Spoiled, But Not Rotten
Here’s a wonderful tidbit from a recent parent workshop I conducted. I was talking with a group of working parents about the guilt they were feeling. The conversation progressed to purchasing items for children and whether or not that assuages some of the guilt. The truth of the matter is that whether they are working Read More
Little Lunch Launchers
Lately I’ve been hearing the same thing from parent after parent….”My toddler/2/3 won’t stop throwing his food. I put him in the high chair to eat and almost immediately the food is flying. And the best part is, when I say ‘no throw,’ he laughs!” Here are just a few ideas that can be helpful: Read More