Most parents hope to encourage their children to eat in a healthful way, but we lead busy lives, and doing this on-the-go can be tough. I’ve hear it said that fruits and veggies are the original “convenience food.” They come in their own packages and many can be tossed in a bag and eaten without utensils. While this may be true for adults, presenting fruits and veggies this way doesn’t work for most young children. Biting into an apple can be tricky, and I’ve yet to meet a parent or caregiver who walked around with a knife for creating safe, bite-size pieces or a peeler to remove the outside of a carrot. Then there’s the issue of preference….some children don’t like skin or the pith on an orange. Not to mention pushing a stroller while observing to make sure your young child is not eating the leaves on that strawberry!
Sometimes, preparing food in advance fits into our schedules. When it doesn’t, I have a great solution! Many companies have started producing fruit and vegetable smoothies in easy-to-drink, on-the-go, containers that don’t need to be refrigerated. You can find them at most supermarkets. And the best part? They are great for grown-ups too. When I’m going to have a long day, I like to throw an apple-banana drinkable applesauce into my bag for a mid-afternoon sweet snack. My favorite brands are Revolution Foods Mashups, GoGo SqueeZ, Plum Organics Mish Mash, and Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit. Enjoy one with your child today!