Guest Post: 3 Tips for Keeping Your Child Organized Over the Summer

3 Tips For Keeping Your Child Organized Over The Summer


1. Create A Daily Calendar– Make list of what activities your child has each day and make sure to go through it every morning. This way your child will continue to feel like there is still structure for them even when they are not in school.


2.Be Prepared– If you have a child who goes to camp, day care or Grandma’s house, prepare for the activity the night before. A good way to do this is to help your child lay out their clothes the evening before so that it is easier for them to get ready in the morning. For older kids, have them become responsible for their own belongings. For example, the night before an activity have your child put sunblock, bathing suits, towels etc in their bag on their own. When they come home from the day, make sure they unpack their lunch and give you any wet clothes or anything that needs to come out of the bag.


3. Create ChecklistsCreate a checklist for chores. Depending on how old your child is, see if you can have your child participate in a small chore on a daily basis. This can range from making their bed, putting their dishes in the sink or even trying to use a fork or spoon on their own. Your child will learn to feel good about him or her self when they are able to put a check next to the box when they have completed the task.


Enjoy the summer and stay organized!!!



eisenstein__adrienne_018Adrienne Eisenstein, M.S. Ed. specializes in teaching pre-school to elementary school children age appropriate content to help them become proficient learners. Her desire to instill a love of learning begins with setting them up on a positive path to success. She believes that working with students on organizational skills, study skills, homework help, and classroom readiness can foster motivation and excitement. Adrienne employs several strategies in order to turn a good student in school into a great learner of life. Some of her techniques include setting up an organized work space at home for students, structuring school materials to promote an orderly arrangement for classwork, homework and supplies as well as creating a structured method for communication between parents, teachers and the child.

Adrienne is well versed in the New York State Common Core Learning Standards, is skilled in various reading and math programs such as PAF (Preventing Academic Failure) and Everyday Mathematics and uses a wide range of strategies to help each child succeed. Furthermore, she works closely with parents by providing them with individualized guidance to ensure that each child reaches its fullest potential. Adrienne has a double masters in childhood and special education from Fordham University and Hunter College. In addition, she holds a gifted and talented extension.

For more information about Adrienne and her tutoring services: [email protected]