When your child whines, remind them that when they can use a “regular voice” to tell you what they need, you’ll be happy to help them. When you start using this technique, be mindful of positively reinforcing the behavior (the “regular voice”) when they do it…even if it means an extra cookie. You’ll be pleased Read More

We’ve all been there, the screaming, the flailing of limbs, the overwhelming emotion that accompanies a total tantrum. Tantrums take different shapes at different ages and for different children; a toddler tantrum may have a child dropping to the floor, 2 year olds wonder how powerful they can be, while 3 year old tantrums can include loud wailing and 4 year olds head down the path of a power struggle. So, what can a parent or caregiver do? Find some tips for how to support your child through understanding and managing their emotions, their bodies, and the control they have over themselves in this world in order to work through (or at least tame to some extent) those tantrums.
Tips To Tame Tantrums!
Recently, in many of my parent groups and private sessions, tantrums seem to be the topic of choice. Tantruming is not new to childhood but it seems that every day an expert has a new way to end your child’s tantrums. I say stick with the tried and true… Before your child tantrums, think about what sets them Read More