My Favorite Things: Reflection

It seems like such a simple concept, but as we all get caught up in our busy lives, we often forget.  We forget how spending just a little bit of time considering ourselves and our families, thinking about our family culture and it’s individual members, can help improve our relationships with each other.  During every session Read More

The Value of A Flexible Routine

Check out my article on Mommybites about “The Value of A Flexible Routine.”  Use what you know about your child to create a routine that meets their (and your) needs, as well as teaching them to manage change.

Guest Post: Twinsplicity

  When my husband and I were dating we went on a cruise to Mexico.  On the ship, we met an amazing couple from Canada who had twin boys.  Halfway through the trip, my husband told me he would do anything to have twins.  At the time, being 22 years old and just dating, I Read More