When a parent comes to me for advice about potty training, I always start the conversation the same way. Let’s consider what it takes to pee on the potty. A child has to be aware that they need to pee, let you know, hold the pee, get to the bathroom, adjust their clothing, sit on the Read More
self-help skills
A Problem Solving Activity
Next time you and your child are faced with a problem, try this out! Take out a large piece of paper and a marker and tell your child you are going to do some important work. Children love to be involved with making lists and writing words. It makes them feel very grown-up. Write down Read More
My Favorite Things: Kissing Dots!
When a child says “help me please,” how can you resist? It feels so good to be able to give your child what he or she needs! But parents and caregivers should be aware that self-help skills are incredibly important for young children. Sometimes, adults don’t realize how capable children are. Toddlers can help put Read More