Tips for Helping Young Children Cope With Separation and Divorce

Check out my article for Mommybites: “Tips for Helping Young Children Cope With Separation and Divorce” Divorce and separation, no matter how amicable the situation, is challenging for everyone involved. It can be particularly so for children, given the number of major changes that will occur in that child’s life.  (For the full article:

Guest Post: The Creator’s Workshop: Save That Box

 From the moment they are born children are creative; they experiment and create with their minds, bodies and voices.  As children grow, and develop physically and emotionally, their creativity expands and extends to expressions in play, on paper, with play-dough, etc.  The avenues are endless. Encouraging and fostering a child’s innate creativity has many benefits, Read More

Tips for Preserving a Relationship While Raising a Child with Special Needs

Raising a child with special needs?  Take a look at my tips for preserving the relationship with your spouse.  Tips for Preserving a Relationship While Raising a Child with Special Needs Search around this terrific site for other informative articles!

Having Your Young Child Evaluated Through Early Intervention

Check out my article for Mommybites on “Having Your Young Child Evaluated Through Early Intervention.” When a child has special needs, parents and family members should be involved from the start of intervention. This begins with the evaluation process. I encourage families to consider the initial evaluation as an opportunity to learn more about their Read More

Guest Post: Niche Placement: Hiring Your First Nanny Part Two-Communication

When I first started Niche Placement, I would get calls from very flustered clients said things like, “Megan did not pack Ella her gym clothes for Friday and she had to miss gym!” or “ I was looking at my Nanny’s Facebook page and her status said ‘I had a looooooong day at work!” Calls Read More

Setting the Stage for Potty Training Success

Take a look at my article on Big City Moms, “Setting the Stage for Potty Training Success.”  As you begin to see the signs that your child is ready for potty training, start with the three steps in this article.

Education Supports Parents of Children with Special Needs

  Raising children brings with it joy and hope, concern and trepidation.  As they say, there is no handbook for being a parent.  Raising a child with special needs can compound the worries and leave a parent feeling unsure of their footing.  And while I believe strongly that every family benefits from education, I know how Read More

Guest Post: Niche Placement: Hiring Your First Nanny Part One

I love watching Downton Abbey. As the founder of a nanny agency, and former professional nanny, I am fascinated by the relationship between the family and their household staff. Downton is a culture in which people are born knowing how to hire, treat, and keep staff.  Although present day New York City is home to Read More