Make Learning Less of a Strain and More of a Hoot By Kelsey Fox Bennett, M.Ed. Our eyes, ears, neck and shoulders all work together for us to see, hear, and move appropriately to take in any information from the outside world. Especially when we are under stress, one or more of these can lag Read More
Social-Emotional Development

Social development and emotional intelligence in children set the foundation for helping them to become well-adjusted adults. But how do kids make friends, how can you encourage toddler emotional development when their moods can flip flop so easily, and how can you help your children manage their big emotions and develop resilience? While it can take some time and repetition, you’ll find the resources you need right here.
I’m Sorry
As an educator of parents and children, I spend quite a bit of time around kids. And if I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a thousand times…Two young children are playing beautifully side by side. Sometimes they are interacting, sharing and conversing, other times they are engaged in parallel play. All of a sudden Read More
Don’t Help Your Child
Next time you’re compelled to jump in & “fix” something for your young child, count to 10 and give them a little more time. Being able to problem solve strengthens a child’s sense of self and reinforces their ability to make their needs known while taking into account the points of view of others. Problem Read More
An Alternative to I’m Sorry
Try a “check in.” Rather than simply insisting your young child say “sorry” after they have hit or upset another child, ask them to “check in.” This can mean asking if the other child is okay, saying sorry, offering a tissue, ice, or hug. By doing this, children are learning to show empathy rather than Read More
A Problem Solving Activity
Next time you and your child are faced with a problem, try this out! Take out a large piece of paper and a marker and tell your child you are going to do some important work. Children love to be involved with making lists and writing words. It makes them feel very grown-up. Write down Read More
Bullying Prevention Starts With Teaching Tolerance
Needless to say “bullying” has been in the news a lot lately. What’s been happening is nothing short of tragic. It would seem to me that whether you have a child or are educating children, your goal is to give them the support and tools they need so that they become positive, active contributors to our Read More
Tips for Helping Young Children Cope With Separation and Divorce
Check out my article for Mommybites: “Tips for Helping Young Children Cope With Separation and Divorce” Divorce and separation, no matter how amicable the situation, is challenging for everyone involved. It can be particularly so for children, given the number of major changes that will occur in that child’s life. (For the full article:
Review: Building Self-Control, The American Way
Last Sunday the NY Times published an opinion piece in response to this past years’ focus on international parenting techniques. The unifying factor of many of these practices is helping children learn self-control and self-discipline. Throughout my blog posts and workshops you will find that I repeatedly emphasize the important of positive discipline that leads Read More
Giving Thanks
Today on Thanksgiving, but really every day, it is important to think about raising children who are thankful and appreciative. How can a parent or teacher instill these traits in children? When children are about 18 months old, they can repeat the phrase “thank you.” While they will not truly understand what it means until they Read More
9/11 and Children: Seize An Opportunity
Like most people, I have spent today reflecting. I have been thinking about our world and where I was 10 years ago. If you haven’t done so already, I would encourage you to take a moment now. Talking to children about the events of 9/11/01 is a very personal choice. Certainly, parents should consider their Read More