Parenting Tips: Consistency and Non-Negotiables One of the basic tenets of the parent education I provide is that consistency is essential to successful parenting. Take, for example, the client whose daughter was potty training. Most days she woke up in the morning and was changed from a diaper in to underwear. However, on some days Read More
Parent Development
Parenting today is more challenging than it has ever been before. We’re raising different children in a different world. We all get stressed, feel anxious, and lose our tempers from time to time. Here, you’ll find tips for how to be a better parent, strategies for parenting with intention and have a happier family.
How Can I Bond With My Baby?
If you are asking, “How can I bond with my baby?, follow these helpful hints. “Take time each day to cuddle, talk, laugh, play, hug, smile, and show [your baby] affection in a way that feels comfortable. Some ideas include wearing your baby in a sling, snuggling in bed, listening to music or taking a Read More
What Kind of Parent Are You?
For some time, when people referred to opposing sides of the parenting argument, they were talking about working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Today, the reference is to parenting styles. It goes without saying that we live in a more complicated, and in some cases more dangerous world, than existed just a few generations ago. But Read More
How Your Child’s Temperament (And Your Own) Affects Your Parenting Style
Within the first few days of a child’s life, many parents will describe them as calm, easy going, demanding, or high strung. Each child is born with a temperament that influences the way they react to the world around them. That being said, it is important for parents to remember that temperament is not static. Read More
Guest Post: Niche Placement: Hiring Your First Nanny Part Two-Communication
When I first started Niche Placement, I would get calls from very flustered clients said things like, “Megan did not pack Ella her gym clothes for Friday and she had to miss gym!” or “ I was looking at my Nanny’s Facebook page and her status said ‘I had a looooooong day at work!” Calls Read More
Guest Post: Niche Placement: Hiring Your First Nanny Part One
I love watching Downton Abbey. As the founder of a nanny agency, and former professional nanny, I am fascinated by the relationship between the family and their household staff. Downton is a culture in which people are born knowing how to hire, treat, and keep staff. Although present day New York City is home to Read More
Guest Post: Twinsplicity
When my husband and I were dating we went on a cruise to Mexico. On the ship, we met an amazing couple from Canada who had twin boys. Halfway through the trip, my husband told me he would do anything to have twins. At the time, being 22 years old and just dating, I Read More
The Parenting Dance
Many parents go through a period where they struggle to understand what their children are telling them. In more challenging situations, parents can have a hard time connecting with their babies. I often suggest they try considering these times in a new framework. Consider parenting to be a dance. Starting from the first moment you hold your infant in Read More
Princesses: Perfectly Pleasant or Potentially Perilous?
Recently, many articles have surfaced on the web concerning the visuals and message the Disney princesses and their stories present. (I’ve included links to a few below.) Peggy Orenstein has written 4 books and numerous articles about women and girls coming of age. Her most recent, Cinderella At My Daughter, considers what “girlie-girl” culture may Read More
What Should I Look For In A Parenting Support Group?
Check out my article for on choosing a parent support group.